Sunday, September 13, 2009

Duit dari Internet

Peluang Untuk Anda Tambah Pendapatan!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kenapa Perlu Balik Awal

"Baca pelan- pelan dan penuh penghayatan.

Aku terlanggar seorang asing semasa berjalan,
"Oh maafkan saya, saya tak perasan"

Katanya "Maafkan saya juga,
Saya tak nampak saudara"

Kami amat bersopan dan saling menghormati,
Kami saling melambai sambil berlalu pergi,

Tetapi di rumah lain pula ceritanya,
Bagaimana kita melayan orang tersayang, tua dan muda,

Lewat petang, tika memasak makan malam,
Anak lelaki kecilku berdiri di dapur secara diam-diam,

Bila berpaling aku hampir melanggarnya jatuh,
Jerkahku, "Jangan buat kacau di sini, pergi main jauh-jauh"

Dia berlalu pergi, hatinya hancur luluh dan beku,
Aku tak sedar, bertapa kasarnya kata-kataku,

Sedangku berbaring di katil mendengar musik,
Terdengar suara halus datang membisik,

"Bila bersama orang tak dikenali,
Begitu bersopan dan merendah diri,
Tetapi ahli keluarga tersayang, sering dimarah dan dicaci",

"Cubalah kau pergi lihat di lantai dapur,
Kan kau temui bunga-bungaan berterabur",

"Itu adalah bunga-bunga dibawanya untuk kamu,
Dia memetiknya sendiri, kuning, biru dan unggu",

"Dia berdiri senyap agar jadi kejutan buat kamu,
Kamu tak pernah sedar airmatanya yang datang bertamu",

Pada tika ini, aku merasa amat kecil sekali,
Airmataku mencurah ibarat air di kali,

Senyap-senyap ku kebiliknya, dan melutut di katil,
"Bangunlah, anakku, bangunlah si kecil"

"Apakah bunga-bunga ini dipetik untuk mak?
Dia tersenyum, "Adik terjumpanya belakang rumah di semak"

"Adik memetiknya kerana ia cantik seperti ibu,
ibu tentu suka terutama yang unggu,

"Maafkan ibu, atas sikap ibu hari ini,
Ibu tak harus menjerkah kamu, sebegini,

Katanya,"Oh, ibu, itu tak mengapa,
Saya tetap sayang ibu melebihi segala,

Bisikku, "Anakku, ibu pun sayang kamu,
dan ibu suka bunga itu, terutama yang unggu,

Adakah kamu sedar, sekiranya kita mati hari ini,
syarikat tempat kita berkerja akan senang-senang mendapat pengganti,
dalam hanya beberapa hari?

Tetapi keluarga yang kita tinggalkan,
akan merasa kehilangan kita sepanjang hayat.

Dan sedarlah, sekiranya kita menghabiskan masa kita kepada kerja,
Melebihi keluarga kita, adalah merupakan suatu pelaburan yang tidak bijak.
Bukankah begitu?

Jadi apakah maksud yang tersirat?

Tahukah anda makna "FAMILY"?


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kuasa di tangan anda

adakah anda mahukan traffic yang banyak ke blog anda...jangan lepaskan peluang ini dapatkan pakej lengkap disini dengan kuasa viral facebook...

Nervous - You Don't Have Time to Be Nervous By Jan Tincher

You don't have time to be nervous. You are too busy.

However, if you do find yourself getting nervous that means that you *have the time* to get nervous. Hm. Well, if you have time in your busy schedule to do something, why choose to use it getting nervous?

Because it is a choice. However you use your time, you have either consciously or subconsciously made that choice to use your time in that manner.

Let's say you don't like to talk in front of crowds. You get nervous when you have to stand in front of them, let alone talk. Well, guess what? You have the time right there to be nervous or to make the effort NOT to be nervous! What do you think would be a wise choice on how to spend that precious time?

Whenever you think about what makes you nervous, which means you are probably starting to get nervous right then, instead, look at your watch and realize you don't have time for that.

Here is the exercise that will take away nervousness forever:

Stand up. Walk five feet forward.

That wasn't so bad, was it?

Now, walk the five feet backward.

Easy, huh?

All right. Now, walk the five feet forward while thinking about walking backward.

A little complicated, right? But not bad.

Now, walk the five feet backward while thinking about walking forward.

Now, walk forward while thinking about walking backward and holding your left arm out and turning your wrist in circles to the right.

Still doing OK?

Now, walk backward while thinking about walking forward and holding your left arm out and turning your wrist in circles to the right and holding your right arm out and turning your wrist in circles to the left. Still doing OK?

Chances are it was a little difficult. But guess what? The more difficult you made it the less you were able to think about something else. Like being nervous. In fact, the whole time you are doing this exercise, mentally say *This is GREAT!*

Now, here's another exercise to do AFTER you've done that several times a day for 3 days. (If you've done it several times, then it has a path in your mind. It will be easier to recall.)

Think about whatever makes you nervous, then IN YOUR MIND do the above exercise.

Think about whatever makes you nervous, then IN YOUR MIND do the above exercise.

Think about whatever makes you nervous, then IN YOUR MIND do the above exercise.

Think about whatever makes . . . You get the picture, don't you?

Do this 10 times, or until your mind just doesn't want to think about getting nervous anymore.

Guess what? You've just made life a little easier for yourself! And isn't that fantastic?

Good luck!

Thanks for reading.

8 Surefire Stress Busters By Sukie Baxter

After the economy crashed last year, the media just couldn't seem to get enough recession coverage. Whether you've been directly affected as a result of the global economic shifts or not, the increased level of societal tension is affecting your mental and physical health.

Of course, with every dollar more precious than ever, it's natural to scrimp on self care even during stressful times; however, the long term degenerative effects of stress on your well being are too drastic to ignore.

Recent scientific studies have shown that stress is insidious and lethal, slipping beneath our conscious awareness to shrink our brains, add fat to our bellies, and even unravel our chromosomes!

Here are 8 ways to incorporate positive self care habits everyday that cost next to nothing (some are even free, save for a little time investment!) and will keep you sound of mind and body for years to come:

1. Breathe! The more stressed and hurried we become, the less we remember to take full breathes. Your cells need oxygen for energy and also to help flush out cellular waste. Your brain needs oxygen to function optimally. When you take shallow breaths, your body has to work extra hard just to function normally. Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deeply. Make sure you focus on exhaling all the air in your lungs. Your inhale can only be as full as your exhale.

2. Move! Movement releases tension, stimulates your nervous system, and encourages you to breathe more deeply, bringing in additional oxygen to the body. Studies have also shown that exercise actually keeps your brain sharp, so to maintain clear cognition, make sure you get out and move your body daily, even if it's just walking the dog around the block. Body mind practices, such as yoga or qi gong, are excellent additions as they focus your attention on places you're holding stress and tension in your body, allowing you to consciously release them.

3. Reorganize your home. Chaos breeds chaos, and a messy home can create mental clutter as well. If your home isn't a sanctuary, consider spending a Saturday doing a deep cleaning (I recommend using natural and organic cleaning products to avoid chemical off gassing that can cause headaches and nausea). Clear out clutter that you no longer need by taking it to the local Salvation Army or Goodwill. You'll be surprised how clear headed you feel once your home is in order!

4. Use relaxing fragrances to calm your mind. Fragrance has a deep effect on our psyche, and we quickly learn to associate certain smells with feelings and memories. Place an essential oil diffuser in your home. Lavender essential oil is soothing, Peppermint is uplifting, Bergamot is an anti-depressant, and Rosemary is energizing.

5. Cut back on caffeine. Okay, I know this one is tough! I'm a Seattle girl, after all, and we're known for our excessive coffee habit. With that in mind, if you feel yourself constantly jumpy, notice your hands are shaky, or you struggle with anxiety, consider limiting the coffee you drink. Switching to a different caffeine source can also do the trick. Yerba Mate and green tea are good options for some people.

6. Meditate. Ugh! You mean sit still and clear my mind of all thoughts? Yep, that's what I mean. When you're stressed out, the committee in your head gets louder and louder until you can't hear yourself think anymore. You may even forget what you think! If sitting quietly sounds about as much fun to you as getting a root canal, try joining a meditation group. The accountability and community support can make the experience fun and relaxing instead of another arduous task to complete. Time crunched? Try a meditation cd to help you drop into peace and tranquility.

7. Unplug. We're bombarded by thousands upon thousands of messages all day long: billboards, television, email, cell phones, text messages, magazine ads, headlines....the list goes on. Take some time to get out in nature, and leave the cell phone at home! For those of you city-bound folks, nature does not include the local landscaped park. Instead, head outside urban boundaries if you can and walk amongst old growth forest, desert landscapes, or whatever beauty your particular corner of the earth has to offer. If you have a dog, this can be a great excursion to make together. Pets have a way of reminding us how to let go and be totally present in the moment. When you return to civilization, your mind and body will feel clear and focused.

8. Release stored tension. When you feel your shoulders tightening from sitting in traffic or staring at a computer, you can ease your own stress in five minutes or less. With your right hand, tuck your thumb under your fingers and curl your fingers down toward your palm, making a soft fist. Rest your right elbow in your left hand and use your right fist to gently tap on your left shoulder and upper arm. Tap gently, focusing more on the upward movement of your hand than the downward strike, and avoid any prominent bones. Repeat on your other side. Once finished, take a few deep, cleansing breaths and feel your shoulders relaxed and tingling.

Friday, September 4, 2009




Anda tidak akan rugi kerana modal yang diperlukan hanya RM5 saja. Tiada Risiko!
Kini anda mampu untuk memperolehi lebih dari itu dengan

Hari ini kita ada jalan terbaik untuk keluar dari masalah kewangan yang membelenggui hidup kita sekarang. Peluang yang selalunya datang di masa kita tidak bersedia. Hanya mereka yang benar-benar mengambil peluang pasti berjaya. Ramai orang yang telah berjaya mengubah kehidupan dalam masa singkat dengan menceburi perniagaan hebat ini. JANGAN kita hanya MELIHAT dan MENDENGAR tetapi hendaklah kita BERTINDAK segera.

"Sekiranya kita lambat bertindak, esok kehidupan kita tetap sama" Kunjungi Website saya : Sukses Selalu! mohd khairul hisham bin mat
Atau klik di bawah;

Blogging Tips Revealed - Can You Use Advertising With Your Blogs to Increase Your Monthly Income?

Did you know that most bloggers use programs such as Google AdSense or AdBrite to make money on their blogs? These are special programs that allow blogger the opportunity to add advertisements on their blogs. It is basically a code that you would get from them and place it on your site now what this code does is go thru the articles on your blog and produce advertisements to match your content.

You can place as much advertisements as you wish on your blog form these programs. Now the way that you make money is when your visitors comes to your site each day they may see the ads on your site and click on them. Once they click on the ads you get paid. Some of these programs also have where they will just pay you based on the ads being viewed on your site.

Now even though it seem so simple, there are some things that you may need to know to help increase your revenue potential. These programs do have terms and conditions that you must read and comply with in order to use their program. Once you have read and understand the terms you should be ok.

Some of these terms could be that you cannot have more than two or three advertisements on the same page or you may not have certain content on your site. When I say certain content I mean like something degrading or sexual in nature. Some of them may not want you to display advertisements from other sources alongside theirs.

So just a few little blogging tips that you should consider. Also when you are writing your articles make sure that you are using keyword rich content. This will help you greatly. The more effective keywords that you use the more relevant the advertisements on your blog will be. If you have a lot of good quality content on your site it will help you get relevant advertisement and this will entice the visitors to click on the links.

To learn more about blogging for money please visit Blogging To The Bank

Also get my free report how to be your own boss. Get it here

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rm5 terus akaun anda...


Mahukah anda menerima limpahan RM5 setiap jam
masuk ke akaun bank anda??

Jadilah Reseller Produk, pelancaran semperna musim perayaan yang bakal tiba, jadikan Hari Raya tahun ini paling bermakna

Ciri-ciri Hebat

Hanya RM 5.00, sesiapa pun mampu

100% komisyen milik anda

Tanpa melalui akaun bank admin

Komisyen terus ke akaun bank anda

Terima SMS duit dah masyuk!!